We had such an amazing weekend. My nephews Ryan and Bryan stayed with us over the weekend. Well, it started out on Friday night just being Bryan. It's amazing how well behaved they are when it's just one of them instead of the terrible two...no, they're actually very well behaved most of the time. Ryan was spending the night with his friend Dillon that night. Well, since friday had been a school day Bryan was out around 9:30 that night. Around 11pm, his cell phone rang. It rang about five times. The caller idea read his step-mom's number. Well, on the fifth ring I answered it to try to tell her that Bryan was already asleep. On the other end of the line, all I heard was a kid laughing. So, I hung up and just turned his phone off. Well, it just so happened it was his brother calling him....they were making prank calls. Well....Ryan ended up getting picked up by his Dad at midnight from his friend's house. Then, on Saturday Ryan came over to spend the night with his brother at our house. I tried to explain that Ryan you can't make prank calls like you used to be able to....before caller id. Sometimes, I believe our technological advances have actually not been advances. I wish for a simplier time. I think our lives would be much better. I don't think we would have the disease and sickness that we've been stricken with over the last few years. I believe that the preservatives and additives that are added to our foods have caused so much sickness that we didn't have 40 years ago. Anyway, I guess I will get off my soapbox now.

Week of 2/8 - 2/14
Sunday - spaghetti, garlic breadsticks
Monday - swiss steak, rice and green beans
Tuesday - stuffed green peppers, sweet peas
Wednesday - salmon croquettes, mashed potatoes, broccoli
Thursday - out to eat
Friday - pizza
Saturday - breakfast supper
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.